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8 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep

8 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting enough sleep is fundamental when it comes to our health. There is nothing worse than tossing and turning all night, having a terrible rest, and then needing to function at full capacity the next day.

As we get older, having a restless night’s sleep can become more and more frequent due to things like work and family stress, deteriorating physical or general health and various responsibilities one may have. A lack of sleep can have dire effects on our health and well-being beyond just making us moody. It is therefore important to have some healthy habits in place to combat this, below are 8 secrets to having a good night’s sleep.

No Netflix Before Bed

I know we have all heard it a million times, but there is a reason for the frequency of this sleeping tip, to have a good night’s sleep, it is vital to pack away your screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light from smart-device screens causes your sleep-inducing melatonin levels to decrease and makes your brain think it is daytime. Try to schedule when you watch your favourite show and make sure it is not too close to when you would like to fall asleep. A great way to pass the last hour before bed is to read, meditate or journal.

Exercise is Key

Moving your body in some way during the day, even for just 20 or 30 minutes, releases natural sleep hormones such as melatonin and allows for a better night’s sleep. Morning or afternoon workouts are ideal, one can become too stimulated if they exercise too close to bedtime. Exercising can activate your muscles and increase your body temperature, making it hard to fall asleep straight after. Therefore, we recommend scheduling some kind of movement, before it gets too late in the day, to assist you in fixing your sleeping patterns.

Avoid Stimuli such as Caffeine and Alcohol

It is important to try and avoid caffeine later in the day. It is so tempting to want one last coffee to get you through the late afternoon, but we highly suggest switching to another, less caffeinated hot drink, such as a hot lemon water or a low caffeinated tea, to give you your final kick. Caffeine takes up to six hours to wear off, which is something to keep in mind when trying to fix your sleep schedule. Similarly, alcohol is a stimulant which disrupts your sleep. If you are craving a snack before bed, try to make sure things like tea, wine or chocolate are not part of it, as they all negatively affect sleep in their way.

Try to go to sleep at the Same Time Every Night

This will not always be realistic but try as much as you can to head to bed around a similar time every night. Routine is everything when it comes to improving your sleep patterns and having a set time you get in bed and try to fall asleep is essential. Your daily routine and exhaustion levels can be thrown if you vary how much sleep you are getting. Getting more or less sleep than usual can both be derailing; therefore, it is vital to be strict about your bedtime and respect your routine.

Something that will make going to sleep easier, is having an inviting bed. We recommend decking out your sleeping space with some beautiful and comfortable pillows, such as our Velur Waist Cushion Cover.

Let’s Get Into Routine!

As we mentioned above, establishing a routine is the key to getting a good night’s sleep. However, this does not only refer to what time you go to bed, it can come down to what time you eat dinner, how many pages of your book you read, when you brush your teeth etc. Routines, or rituals, help steer your body in the direction you want it to go. Therefore, when it comes to sleep, having a set ritual you perform nightly will do wonders for your quality and quantity of sleep.

A great routine to have is making sure your bed is made with comfortable, clean sheets. We recommend our Pristine White Standard Duvet Set for maximum comfort.

Try Not to Nap During the Daytime

We will be the first to admit how life-saving an afternoon nap can feel, however, it almost always causes issues when you try to fall asleep later that night. Long, irregular naps can confuse your internal clock and negatively affect your sleep schedule. We suggest, as hard as it can be sometimes, to push through that afternoon slump and rather be guaranteed a good night’s sleep.

Be Conscious of What and When You Eat

Try not to go to bed too hungry or too full. A grumbling tummy can keep you up just as much as an overfull one can. The trick here is to avoid eating a large meal within the last few hours before you go to sleep, to give your stomach time to settle. Having said this, it is also important to not go to bed hungry. We suggest having a healthy snack before bed or timing your dinner so that the right amount of time would have passed for you to digest your food, but not enough to be hungry again!

Try to De-Stress

It is so hard to remove the stresses of the daytime when the sun sets. However, there are ways we can try to wind ourselves down towards bedtime. Meditation, breathwork, yoga or stretching can help reduce stress and calm your mind. If these seem too difficult after a long day out in the world, a warm bath or shower about an hour before bed can do wonders. Even just soaking your feet in hot water has been proven to improve sleep and help you relax.

Another way to ensure maximum relaxation is to make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. We recommend our Dreamies for a sophisticated, yet cozy addition to your sleeping space.

Sleep truly is the thing to prioritise when improving your overall health. We hope you take on at least one or two of these secrets to improve your night’s sleep, we guarantee they will positively impact your life. Sleep tight!

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